"I Shot My Kid" Photography Classes

OK... In case the humor is lost on you, we are going on record that we do not support, condone or encourage the use of firearms on your children or the children of others. The word "shot" in this case refers to the action of taking a photograph, not the firing of a weapon.  It's wordplay. We have coffee mugs and ball caps made with this tagline... which wouldn't be as fun or clever if they read, "I Photographed My Kid". Face it, most of us have talked about punching their boss in the face, or promised to never ever again shop at Whole Foods on a Sunday, or helped your kid pack when they threaten to run away... then ground them "for life" when you catch them ditching school. We're confident you were joking... please trust that we are too! :) 

That said, what is "I Shot My Kid"? It's half photo shoot, half private photography class. We like telling stories with photos. If we take the photo, we're the one's telling it, but here at Purple Finch Studio, we help you to tell your own story. In this scenario, we work with you to concept your photograph, whether it be shot in studio, on location or in your home. It can be formal or casual. Whatever you imagine, we work with you to bring that shot to life... anything is possible. We supply creative advice, direction, lighting, cameras, lenses, etc.  We then hand you the camera and walk you through the actual shooting of the photos. Images will appear on a TV in the studio, or on an iPad if we're shooting on location, so you can see the results of your photography in real time... and adjust accordingly. We walk you through the entire process and guide you every step of the way.  And in the end, the photos YOU take will not only tell your story, but bring you bragging rights as well. You also get to take the knowledge of how to take better photos with you... so even when we're not there to help, you can kill it on Instagram! And don't forget the swag... if you book one of these sessions, you get a free "I Shot My Kid" ball cap or mug... guaranteed to raise eyebrows and offend the humorless.!

We also have plans to offer inexpensive group lessons for anyone looking to improve their photography, as well as "photo parties" whereby a small group of friends get together in the studio for wine, coffee, appetizers, etc and photograph their babies, toddlers, pets, etc.  If anyone is interested in booking a small group party or is interested in lessons, please call or email.  BTW, you can also shoot your spouse, dog or mother-in-law! :)
